
Friday 4 December 2020

7 Wonder of the Worlds

Kia ora Bloggers,
This is my 7 wonders of the world but we olny did 2 wonders. 

Tuesday 24 November 2020

Our Text Analysis Screencastify

We are learning to analyse texts and look at how author create mood and atmosphere by using language features. Here is a screencast I created with Victoria and Soloia of our analysis of the text Creepy Cafetorium. 

Friday 6 November 2020

My creative writing


 Kia ora bloggers in my class we being learning about 
mood and atmosphere today I wrote a story with my friend,
my story is about a boy called Jon and he lost his favorite tee-shirt read the story to find out what happens next.

Thursday 15 October 2020

Creating Atmosphere

Kia ora Blogger we are learning about Atmosphere in Writing and this is our
Creating Atmosphere Hope you like it.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Pen Pal Writing

19.8.2020 Dear:Pen Pal, Hi My name is Tina I go to Edmund Hillary School and I am 11 years old I love playing Soccer and Netball.My friends are Soloia,Luisapeta,Ana and Tiannah. I have 2 younger brothers named John and Patolo, 1 older brother named Teejay. I like doing work with my friends, also having virtual meetings. I like going to the park and going to school and also I like playing with slime. I live in Auckland, New Zealand I am a year 7 my class is Room 9 Edmund Hillary school. My teachers are Manpreet and Bronca, there are 30 students in my class. I am full Samoan. I love reading books. My favorite subject is maths. My Favorite place in Auckland is Manukau because my Aunty lives there and there are movies and the Westfield mall. What is your favourite place in Auckland? Hope I hear from you soon By: Tina

Monday 17 August 2020

Letter for Manpreet

Dear: Manpreet Tina and I would like to thank you for everything you have done for us and for teaching us how to show respect and making us smart, and teaching us new things we have learnt about new things because of you Your the best teacher ever in our school You have done everything for room 9 even If someone is sad you always make their day happy and even us, your always a kind and caring Teacher in the class.Sometimes you are growly but always for a reason sometime when the boys are not lisiening you have to tell them off and when us girls are not listening you have to tell us off we really appreciate what you have done for us we give this to you as a gift. Thank you for giving us more chances before you take our free time away.

 By: Tina and Luisapeta

Week 5 Reading Task

Monday 29 June 2020


Kia ora bloggers here is my passion project on birds I hope you like it. 

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Friday 29 May 2020

Wellness Rhyming Poem-Germs

Talofa Lava Bloggers this is my Wellness Rhyming Poem on Germs. I hope you like it!

Thursday 28 May 2020

Samoan Language Week

Talofa lava bloggers, this is my Samoan language week that I work with Luisapeta. Happy Samoan Language Week! I hope you like it : )