
Monday 21 December 2020

My Haiku Poem


  1. Hey Tina,

    I’m Daniel from the SLJ Blog commenting team. I’m looking forward to seeing all your amazing blog posts again and I hope you’re enjoying your summer.

    Nice imagery and expressive language Tina, I like the pictures too, maybe you could have a picture of a forest to tie in with your poem?

    I think you may have misheard an 11 instead of a 7 but poetry doesn’t actually have rules and I think this is really good but I reckon for an extra challenge you could try working on this one again and work in that 5,7,5 syllable limitation and see what creativity comes out of it.

    I think you could easily give this another look and shorten the second line and I’ll be really excited to see if you do,

    See you later in the comments.


    1. Hi Daniel thank you for commenting on my blog. :)

  2. Kia ora Selesitina,

    What a lovely poem you created!

    I love butterflies! They are my second favourite animal (dogs would have to be the first!). What is your favourite animal?

    Have you seen the new SLJ activities? There are some really fun ones!

    Ngā mihi,


    1. Hi Charlotte thank you for commenting on my blog.:)


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